Arte Nuevo

Arte Nuevo. Revista de Estudios Áureos (ISSN: 2297-2692) is an online journal published by the Université de Neuchâtel (Switzerland) without interruptions since 2014. Its main scopus is the Spanish and Spanish-American Golden Age literature (XVIth-XVIIth centuries), lato sensu. It is a yearly publication, with a date of release between March and April. Its evaluation system consists of a double-blind peer review process. These reviewers are important experts in history, literature, and culture of Spanish Golden Age. The journal comprises four sections: Special Issues, Articles, Notes and Reviews, even though only the three first are submitted for external evaluation.

Current IssueVol 11 (2024): Special Issue "Self-Projection of the Authorial Self in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries"

Published March 30, 2024


Table of Contents


Special Issue Introduction

Special Issue


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