Vol. 1 (2014)

More on Saavedra Fajardo in Seventeenth-Century Paper Wars: the Carta de un holandés

Adrián J. Sáez
University of Neuchâtel

Published 2014-03-22 — Updated on 2014-03-30


  • Saavedra Fajardo,
  • Propaganda,
  • Carta de un holandés

How to Cite

Sáez, A. J. (2014). More on Saavedra Fajardo in Seventeenth-Century Paper Wars: the Carta de un holandés. Arte Nuevo. Revista De Estudios Áureos, 1, 96–105. https://doi.org/10.14603/1G2014


Saavedra Fajardo is one of the writers who takes up his pen to fight the enemies of Spain in the wars of paper of the time. He had a good knowledge of the political situation of the time, a direct knowledge, as opposed to other members of the Crown's prpoopaganda team —except's Quevedo's case, in Italy—, thanks to his travels and missions as diplomat and ambassador in several European courts. Using his experience, he produced several propaganda texts: the Memorial enviado al rey cristianísimo por uno de sus más fieles vasallos (1635), the Dispertador a los trece cantones esguízaros (1638), Noticias del tratado de neutralidad entre el condado y ducado de Borgoña (1641), Suspiros de Francia (1641), the Carta de un francés a otro del Parlamento de ParísLocuras de Europa (¿1645-1646?), etc.


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