Vol. 6 (2019): Special Issue "The Configuration of Modern Literary Subject through Printing"

Poetry in Cervantes’ La ilustre fregona

Sara Santa Aguilar
University of Navarra

Published 2019-03-18 — Updated on 2019-03-30


  • Cervantes,
  • Cervantes' poetry,
  • Inserted poems,
  • La ilustre fregona,
  • Exemplary Novels

How to Cite

Santa Aguilar, S. (2019). Poetry in Cervantes’ La ilustre fregona. Arte Nuevo. Revista De Estudios Áureos, 6, 148–168. https://doi.org/10.14603/6F2019


Among the studies of the poetry in Cervantes’ Exemplary Novels, La ilustre fregona takes the second place. In fact, this novella has less inserted poems than La gitanilla, and most of the studies are about La gitanilla or about a comparison between these two novellas. However, there are many nuances in this novella when it comes to the presentation of the poetry and the poets. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to analyse individually this novella, focusing on those nuances, and emphasizing the wide variety of poetic styles as well as the different logics of composition that the poets follow in their creations.


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