Vol. 4 (2017): Special Issue "Readings on the Margin: Canon and Interpretation in Early Modern History"

Lope de Vega's Love Diptych Sonnets

Fausta Antonucci
Università Roma Tre

Published 2017-03-24 — Updated on 2017-03-30


  • Lope de Vega,
  • Sonnet,
  • Love Diptych,
  • Calderón de la Barca,
  • Rhetoric,
  • Dialectic
  • ...More

How to Cite

Antonucci, F. (2017). Lope de Vega’s Love Diptych Sonnets. Arte Nuevo. Revista De Estudios Áureos, 4, 383–414. https://doi.org/10.14603/4J2017


As a first approach to the peculiar poetic configuration of many Lope comedias, this article examines the sonnets of requited love pronounced by a galán and a lady in comedias of certain authorship: El mármol de Felisardo, El sol parado, Lucinda perseguida, El Hamete de Toledo, El animal de Hungría, El perro del hortelano, Nadie se conoce, La discreta venganza, Lo cierto por lo dudoso, La bella Aurora. After analyzing the dialectic and rhetorical peculiarities of these series, we compare with a diachronic perspective some of their modalities with those of the early comedias by Calderón de la Barca.


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