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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The document has neither been published previously nor is currently in consideration for another journal (if so, please state a justification in Comments for the Editor).
  • The document is in a Microsoft Word format.
  • The article does not show the author's name.
  • The document follows the stlylistic and bibliographical requirements stated on Author Guidelines, inside the section "Submissions".
  • All the images, figures and charts are in their right position inside the text, and not set aside at the very end.
  • If possible, please always provide URL addresses for references.

Author Guidelines

Articles will be sent to the journal filling in all the sections of the submission form (metadata, university or institution, ORCID...) and in Word format.

The authors —and not Arte Nuevo’s editor— are responsible to follow these guidelines, partially based on APA's references.



The documents will have a title (Times New Roman 14, centered), and will not include the author’s name or any other reference that could identify him/her (institutional affiliation, e-mail, research projects, dedications, etc.). We recommend not to include any quotations before the beginning of the article.



We do not have a character limit, but we recommend a moderate length: around 15-20 pages.

Texts will be written in Times New Roman 12, with single spacing, and justified.

Margins will have 2.5 cm., and tabs, at the beginning of every paragraph, 1.25 (one tab space).

We use dashes (—these—).

Pages will be numbered at the foot, centered, in Times New Roman 8.



a) Quotations

If quotations are shorter than four lines, they will be included in the text, in the same format as the rest, but within angular quotation marks («»), which will be used by preference along the article.

  • Estos poemas destacan por «la brillantez y perfección formal, sin duda, pero sobre todo [por] la pasión que los» anima hasta el punto de que en ellos «oímos directamente la voz de Belardo, trémula de deseo» (Montesinos, 1967: 140).

Any intervention in the text cited will be indicated with brackets, as in the example above. If the author eliminates words from the text, the intervention can be indicated using the ellipsis mark, within brackets: [...].

If there is a quotation within the quotation, we can use double quotation marks (“”), and, if there were to be a third quotation within, simple quotation marks (‘’). Moreover, simple quotation marks can be used for clarifications or definitions.

If we quote a text longer than four lines, we can move it two tabs to the right, separated by empty lines from the text preceding and following. The quoted text will, in this case, not need angular quotation marks, since the displacement already indicates it is a quotation. It will be in Times New Roman 11.

b) Parenthetical References to Secondary Bibliography

Authors must provide the bibliographical information in abbreviated form and in parenthesis, and never in a footnote ad hoc. The parenthesis will contain the following information: (Author’s surname, year: pages).

The pages will only be specified when needed (example: Pedraza Jiménez, 2001: 111-142). It will be unnecessary to indicate any page numbers if the reference is to the complete work, and not to specific pages within it él (example: Alonso Hernández, 1976).

If the author’s name is implicit from the context, we do not need to include it again in the parenthetical reference:

  • Como recuerda Pedraza Jiménez, siempre han sido populares las «referencias en clave a amores y amoríos, fervores y desdenes, gustos y disgustos de la actividad erotica» (2003: 23).

c) Several Entries in a Year

When an author has two or more entries from the same year, and in order to avoid ambiguity, we will use lowercase letters after the year in question: 2010a, 2010b, 2010c, etc. The letter will appear both within the parenthesis as in the list of works.

  • (Ruiz Pérez, 2010a: 75) = Ruiz Pérez, Pedro, El parnaso versificado: la construcción de la república de los poetas en el Siglo de Oro, Madrid, Abada, 2010a.
  • (Ruiz Pérez, 2010b: 115) = Ruiz Pérez, Pedro, El siglo del arte nuevo, 1598-1691, Barcelona, Crítica, 2010b.

d) Electronic Publications without Pagination

In electronic publications without any pagination, we can indicate the author’s surname and the year (Pazó Espinosa, 2013).

e) References to a Dictionary

If we quote a definition from a dictionary, we will refer to the dictionary (in italics) plus the abbreviation s. v. (sub voce), plus the word in question.

  • El diccionario académico señala en su primera acepción que el cazabe «es una planta alimenticia» (DRAE, s. v. cazabe).Here, DRAE is the abbreviation for the Diccionario de la Real Academia Española, abbreviation which must be included in the list of works cited (vide infra).



Footnotes shall not be used for providing bibliographical information, but, rather, to host any comments that may be considered necessary, but digressive, as is the usual practice with footnotes.



At the end of the article, and in a separate page, we will include a list of Works Cited, with that title. This section shall not be a complete list of all bibliography consulted, but exclusively a list of works cited or mentioned in the work. The list shall gather, in alphabetical order—by the author’s surnames, or by the title of the work, if the work is anonymous—, all information contained in the article, so that the bibliographical data for the works cited appear complete in the work. If we use any abbreviations (Aut., for Diccionario de Autoridades, for example), we will include it in the list, where it belongs alphabetically, as a normal entry, and then we will provide the bibliographical information, with the complete data. We shall not differentiate between primary and secondary bibliography.

a) Books

Surnames, Name, Work title in italics, editor or translator (if any), place of publication (in the language of origin of the publication as it is used in the book, that is, London, not Londres), publishing house, year.

  • Bajtín, Mijaíl, La cultura popular en la Edad Media y el Renacimiento. El contexto de François Rabelais, trad. de Julio Forcat y César Conroy, Madrid, Alianza, 2003.
  • Pedraza Jiménez, Felipe B., El universo poético de Lope de Vega, Madrid, Arcadia de las Letras, 2003.

Any extra information about the publication (series and number, for example) me be included immediately before the place of publication. This information is not compulsory:

  • Crivellari, Daniele, Marcas autoriales de segmentación en las comedias autógrafas de Lope de Vega: estudio y análisis, Estudios de Literatura 119, Kassel, Reichenberger, 2013.

b) Articles

Surnames, Name, «Title (within angular quotation marks)», Complete name of the journal, number in Arabic numerals, year, págs., initial and final page.

  • Sáez, Adrián J., «Reescritura e intertextualidad en Calderón: No hay cosa como callar», Criticón, 117, 2013, págs. 159-176.

If the volumes in the journal in question are composed of different numbers, we can indicate them after a period, as in this example:

  • Carreño, Antonio, «La “sin venganza” como violencia: El castigo sin venganza de Lope de Vega», Hispanic Review, 59.4, 1991, págs. 379-400.

If we are dealing with a monographic issue, we can include its title after the journal’s name:

  • Arellano, Ignacio, «Corografía mística: Babilonia y Sión en los autos sacramentales de Calderón», en Golden-Age Essays in Honour of Don W. Cruickshank, ed. de Martin Cunningham, Grace Magnier y Aengus Ward, Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 90.4, 2013, págs. 473-494.

c) Articles in Collective Works

Surnames, Name, «Title within angular quotation marks», the particle «en» or «in», Title of the book, in italics, editor of the book (ed. de name and surname, in this order), place, publishing house, year, volume (vol. and Arabic numerals, if there were volumes), núm. pages.

  • Duarte, Enrique, «El Orfeo y sus esfuerzos», en Actas del I Congreso sobre autos sacramentales de Calderón, ed. de Juan Manuel Escudero, Madrid, Visor, 1998, págs. 45-87.
  • Montero, Juan, «El ms. Span 56 de la Houghton Library (Universidad de Harvard): índice topográfico», en Compostella Aurea. Actas del VIII Congreso de la AISO. Santiago de Compostela, 7-11 de julio de 2008, ed. de Antonio Azaustre Galiana y Santiago Fernández Mosquera, Santiago de Compostela, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 2011, vol. 1, págs. 343-353.
  • Pedraza Jiménez, Felipe B., «Variedades de la tragedia en el universo de la comedia española», en La tragédie espagnole et son contexte européen (xvie-xviie siècles), ed. de Christophe Couderc y Hélène Tropé, Paris, Sorbonne Nouvelle, 2013, págs. 143-158.

For the list of works cited, parts of books (poems, tales) can be used as works in collective volumes:

  • Carreño, Antonio, ed., Lope de Vega Carpio, «Arte nuevo de hacer comedias en este tiempo», en Rimas humanas y otros versos, Barcelona, Crítica, 1998, págs. 545-568.
  • Carreño, Antonio, ed., Lope de Vega Carpio, «Las fortunas de Diana», en Novelas a Marcia Leonarda, Madrid, Cátedra, 2002, págs. 101-175.

d) Editions

If we are referencing an edition of a book (be it to the whole edition, to the introduction, or to the notes), we will refer to it by the author’s surnames, and we will include the rest of the information in the list of Works Cited.

  • (Vélez Sainz, 2009: 27) = Vélez Sainz, Julio, ed., Álvaro de Luna, Libro de las virtuosas e claras mugeres, Madrid, Cátedra, 2009.
  • (Carreño, 2007: 230) = Carreño, Antonio, ed., Lope de Vega Carpio, Laurel de Apolo, Madrid, Cátedra, 2007.

e) Translations

If we are referencing a translation, we must include the translator’s complete name:

  • Le Goff, Jacques, La civilización del Occidente Medieval, trad. de Godofredo González, Barcelona, Paidós, 2000.

f) Several Entries by the Same Author

When an author has more than one entry, we will order them chronologically, oldest works first. If several entries coincide in the same year, we will order them alphabetically, and we will add the letters a, b, c, etc.

  • Vélez Sainz, Julio, «Anatomía áulica y política de Fieras afemina Amor de Calderón», Hispanófila, 161, 2011a, págs. 1-18.
  • —, «Carnaval y metateatralidad en los personajes cómicos de Lope de Rueda», Teatro de palabras, 5, 2011b, págs. 17-28.
  • —, «Mecenazgo y representación: imágenes de Álvaro de Luna en el Libro de las virtuosas e claras mugeres, el castillo de Escalona y la Catedral de Toledo», Hispanic Review, 80.2, 2012, págs. 175-198.

g) Abbreviated Entries

If a work is very often quoted in the article, and its title is considered long, it can be abbreviated, as we indicate above, but we can also recur to more drastic abbreviations. In this case, it would be convenient if the abbreviations chosen were common. In any event, they have to appear with their own entry in the list of Works Cited.

  • El sayal del pastor Belardo contrasta con el noble brocado de los Girón. Sayal: «tela muy basta labrada de lana burda» (Aut., s. v. sayal). Brocado: «la labor de las telas ricas de oro» (Tesoro, s. v. brocado).

Examples of abbreviated entries in the list of Works Cited:

  • Aut. Véase Diccionario de Autoridades.
  • Cov. Véase Covarrubias Horozco.
  • DRAE. Véase Real Academia Española.

These entries would refer to:

  • Diccionario de Autoridades, 3 vols., Madrid, Francisco Hierro, 1726-1737.
  • Covarrubias Horozco, Sebastián de, Tesoro de la lengua castellana o española, ed. de Ignacio Arellano y Rafael Zafra, Madrid, Iberoamericana, 2006.
  • Real Academia Española, Diccionario de la lengua española, 2 vols., Madrid, Real Academia Española, 2001.

h) Electronic Resources

We will treat them as if they were paper publications. Thus, if we quote a page or a complete resource, we will cite by author’s surnames, name, title in italics, web address (if any), and date of consultation. If the resource is not web based, but other kind, we can specify it.

  • Teatro español del Siglo de Oro (TESO): base de datos de texto completo, Madrid, Chadwyck-Healy, 1997. CD-Rom.
  • Zamora Calvo, María José y José Pazó Espinosa, Congreso Internacional Japón y el Siglo de Oro español: relaciones e influencias. [Disponible en: (Consulta: 16 de marzo de 2013).]

i) Dates of First Editions

The date of the first edition, if we want to indicate it, can be placed after the date of the edition we used, between brackets, and without commas: 1989 [1976]. In the case of old works, we can indicate the date after the title, and also within brackets: Laurel de Apolo [1630], ed. de Antonio Carreño, Madrid, Cátedra, 2007.

j) Complex Editorial Information

Although it is not compulsory to indicate this information (we can just choose one of the data, or the first one that appears in the book we are using), we can.

  • Madrid / Frankfurt, Iberoamericana / Vervuert, 2013.
  • Pamplona / Kassel, Universidad de Navarra / Reichenberger, 2014.

k) Title within a Title

Within a title (in cursive), if there is another title, we can place it within quotation marks, everything in cursive.

  • Teoría y verdad en «La vida es sueño»



Roman numerals for pagination will be indicated in caps. Centuries, when writing in Spanish (XX, XVI, VI-VIII), in small caps. Acronyms for institutions can be indicated in capital letters (PASO, PHEBO, PROLOPE).

art. cit. = artículo citado 

cap., caps. = capítulo(s)

cfr. = confróntese

coord., coords. = coordinador / coordinadores

dir., dirs. = director / directores

ed., eds. = edición / editor, ediciones / editores

fasc., fascs. = fascículo(s)

fol., fols. = folio(s) 

ms., mss. = manuscrito(s)

núm., núms. = número(s)

op. cit.= obra citada

p. ej. = por ejemplo

pág., págs. = página(s)

pról. = prólogo

s. a. = sin año

s., ss. = siguiente(s)

s. l. = sin lugar de edición

s. n.= sin declaración expresa de impresor/editor

trad., trads. = traducción / traductor, traducciones / traductores

v., vv. = verso(s)

vol., vols. = volumen / tomo, volúmenes / tomos



If the document includes charts, figures or images, these must be original or count with permissions for reproduction. Besides, they must have enough quality for a perfect visualization (200-300 ppp).



All reviews will follow the editorial guidelines mentioned above. For the title, it will have the following scheme: Surnames and Name of the author/editor, title, city of publication, editorial, year, ISBN. Total pages.

  • Arellano, Ignacio, ed., Lope de Vega Carpio, Rimas humanas y divinas del licenciado Tomé de Burguillos, Madrid, Iberoamericana, 2019. ISBN: 978-84-9192-059-5. 790 págs.

This journal will not accept reviews already published or a second review of the same book, except if it includes direct refutations to the first one. 

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