About the Journal


Arte Nuevo (New Art. Journal of Golden Age Studies) (ISSN 2297-2692) is an annual journal published without interruptions since 2014. Arte nuevo is a free-access electronic publication dedicated to the study of Golden Age Spanish literature, but also, secondarily, to Early-Modern Spanish history and culture, understood broadly as to comprise texts produced in Spain or in the orbit of the Spanish world, from the Low Countries to America, during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, although it can occassionally reach the eighteenth. Arte Nuevo accepts articles in several languages (Spanish, English, French, Italian). The publications are guaranteed by an anonymous peer-review evaluation process and by a committee of renowned experts at an international level.


Peer-review process

The journal council assigns to each original article addressed to the Arte Nuevo two external reviewers (that is, not related to the publishing house). They will produce a review in a reasonable time (and, in any case, before three months). If they disagree, the article will be sent to a third reviewer, who will have a month to give a verdict. The average number of weeks between the submission and the publication is 48-50.

Evaluators assist the section editor in editorial decisions and collaborate with authors so that they can improve their work, if need be. Evaluators who do not consider themselves qualified to review the article or who cannot review it within the appropriate deadline must notify it to their section editor.

Evaluators will treat manuscripts as confidential documents. They cannot show or discuss them with anybody, unless the author expressly authorizes it. Evaluations must be objective. Personal attacks are not tolerated. Criticisms must be clearly reasoned and must provide appropriate evidence. When possible, evaluators will identify relevant publications not quoted by the author. Evaluators must warn the editor of any substantial similarity between the manuscript and any other publication.

The information obtained during the review process will be considered as confidential and cannot be used for personal gain. Reviewers cannot evaluate manuscripts that will imply a conflict of interest, be it for reasons of competition, collaboration, or other relationships with the authors or institutions linked to the article in question.


Publication Frequency and Sections

Arte Nuevo is published annually, during March or April. Each issue will have a Table of Contents. In addition, it will have the following sections: several long papers (section Articles), other papers with a common theme (section Special Issue, if needed), shorter papers (section Notes), and book reviews (section Reviews).

In normal circumstances, the reviews in this last section will discuss books published no more than three years in the past. The books will deal with matters related to Spanish and Spanish-American Golden Age culture and literature.


Open Access Policy

Arte Nuevo provides immediate open access to its contents, because public free access to research foments exchange of ideas and global knowledge. The journal does not charge any fees to authors or readers.

For further details about our Open Acces Policy, please visit SHERPA ROMEO: https://v2.sherpa.ac.uk/id/publication/38943


Statement of Responsibility

Ideas and/or opinions in the articles are the exclusive responsibility of their authors. Arte Nuevo declines any responsibility for them.


Copyright Declaration

Authors keep their copyright and guarantee that the journal is the first to publish the article in question, under the license Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, which allows others to share the article and its results provided they have no commercial purposes and that they recognize its authorship and the fact that the work was initially published in this journal.


Ethics Declaration on Publication

Arte Nuevo. Revista de Estudios Áureos follows in its ethical bases for publication the «Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing», established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE):


In addition, the editors of the present journal will follow the rules of conduct and protocols for journal editors established by COPE in their last version, dating from March 7, 2011:


Always, during the evaluation process the editors will only take into account the intellectual content of the articles, without considering any aspects related to the author’s race, gender, religious beliefs, citizenship, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, or political philosophy. The editors and the team of the journal will not reveal any information relating to the manuscripts received to any person other than the author, the reviewers, potential reviewers, or other people working in the publication process. Unpublished materials will not be used in the editors’ own research without explicit consent by the author. External evaluators must accept the ethical bases explained in the section «Peer-Review Process» and act according to them. Authors must accept and obey the ethical norms in the «Author Guidelines» and sign the corresponding sheet to declare conflicts of interest.

Arte Nuevo engages itself in the fight against academic fraud and plagiarism according to the guides and norms set by COPE:



Privacy Statement

Names and e-mail addresses in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes declared by this journal and will not be available for any other purpose or person. This journal respects the agreements of article 6 al. 1 let. b RGPD, which authorizes personal data treatment within the framework of a contract or precontract agreement, following the European Union ruling 2016/679 (GDPR) on data protection. Users interested in the subject can read the complete Swiss Federal law on data protection treatment (LPD) in the following link:


Users who would like to unsubscribe and request data deletion can write to the journal editor at the following address: Cipriano.Lopez@uab.cat


Storing and Security

This journal uses the LOCKSS system to create an archive distributed among participating libraries, allowing those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal in order to preserve and restore content. For more information: https://www.lockss.org


Section Politics

Articles and Monographic Issues:

Open submission YES; Indexed YES; Peer-review  YES; Includes DOI YES.


Open submission  YES; Indexed YES; Peer-review  YES; Includes DOI YES.


Open submission  YES; Indexed YES; Peer-review NO; Includes DOI NO.


Editing Organization